A Mirror for Princes
A Mirror for Princes is a prose piece with written instructions for princes and other nobles. It describes how princes should act and it gives important advice for them. It describes morals, and values that princes should try to acquire. It has some parables in it as well. One can think of it as all the advice a parent gives their child. The only difference would be that A Mirror for Princes is the long written version of all that advice. In this document one can easily see what actions were defined as morally correct and as morally wrong during this time. It is a very good indicator of the aspects of life at this time, 1082 CE.
A Mirror for Princes is important because it actually influenced princes. Princes were normally next in line for the throne, and this piece helped them prepare for what to expect when they took the throne. It also helped princes handle various situations and makes better decisions for their countries. Without this piece the world would be a completely different place.
A Mirror for Princes has impacted the world of today in many ways. One way would be that some of these same values and life lessons have been passed down all the way to today. It has also impacted the world of today by helping us to understand the times in which the document was written. It helps us to know what values were important to the people then. This piece describes what is morally correct for this time period. If it had never been written or studied by princes then the world would not be as it is today.